Recreation & Parks Advisory Board
A 9-member board, each member appointed to a 3-year term
See Calendar of Events for meeting times and locations
Chairman: Brian McCabe
Recreation Office at 425 Cherry Street
Recreation Office Phone: (914) 666-7004
New and interesting ideas for recreation programs are always being sought by the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board.
This group is advisory to the Recreation staff and helps with the planning and promotion of recreational activities for all ages in all the hamlets. The nine members represent a cross section of the community and are always open to new ideas.
Current Members:
Brian McCabe (Chair)
Wayne Grossman
Steve Lancia
Cristina Magidson
John McMahon
Gerardo Sammarco
Betsy Smith
Nancy Troiano Bellini
Luke Vander Linden
Bill Heidepriem, Superintendent of Recreation
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