oak tree image
The Town of Bedford New York

Blue Mountain Housing Development Corp.
Conservation Board

Historic Districts

Drug Abuse Prevention
Board of Ethics
Planning Board
Recreation & Parks Advisory Board
Tree Advisory Board
Zoning Board of Appeals Open Space Acquisition Committee
town government

Bedford Town Housing Committee
The Town of Bedford created the Town Housing Agency to administer middle income housing created under the requirements of the Town's Zoning Law. These dwelling units may be created by different methods in several of the Town's zoning districts and are restricted to middle income families. A middle income family is defined as one whose income does not exceed the median of the annual salary of full-time Town employees.

A ten member board, each member appointed to a three year term.
Meets on an "as needed" basis.
Contact Town Supervisor's Office at 914 666-6530

Current Members:
Tom McGrath (Chairman)
Margaret Coe
Rhoda Gushue
Daniel Herman
Randy Lawrence (ex officio)
Richard Lemon
Richard McCauley (ex officio)
Sheila McSpedon
Julie Stern
Brue Yablon

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