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The Town of Bedford New York

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town government

Recycling Advisory Committee
1/29/08 - Please note this Committee is currently being re-established. Check back later for up-to-date information.

A 9-member board, each member appointed to a 3-year term.
Meets the 3rd Thursday of the month at 425 Cherry St.
Contact: Highway Department at (914) 241-2671
Recycling Center is at 301 Adams St., Bedford Hills (adjacent to the Town of Bedford Highway Garage)

For more than 10 years, the Bedford Recycling Committee has been coordinating efforts of the Recycling Center staff, the Town Board and the community at large to improve and enlarge recycling efforts.

This committee meets regularly to review the recycling center's progress and review ways for improving or solving problems. In addition, the markets for plastics, metal, cardboard, junk mail and newspapers are monitored.

Recently, the Center at 301 Adams Street was updated to create a more efficient traffic flow, easier unloading and beautification.

The Center is open Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 8 am to 3 pm and proof of residency should be available. Staff members are on hand to assist.

Current Members:
Jill Lawrence (Chair)
Janeen Karlsson
Cornelia Mitchell
Jane Pearl
Cindy Proctor
Lee Roberts
Mary Tschorn

Click here for the Town of Bedford Recycling Guide for the Bedford Recycling Center.


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