oak tree image
The Town of Bedford New York
Building Inspector
Department of Public Works
Highway Division
Recycling Center
Water Division

Departments-photo of Bedford historic house

Building Inspector's Office

Building Inspector: Steven Fraietta
Assistant Building Inspector: James Genovese
Code Enforcement Off icer: William O'Keefe
Deputy Fire Inspector: Michael Repp
Secretary: Alexandra Costello, Sr. Office Asst., OM
. . . . . . . . . .Donna Berkowitz, Sr. Office Asst.
Location: 425 Cherry Street, Bedford Hills, NY 10507
Telephone: (914) 666-8040
E-mail: [email protected]

If you are thinking about doing anything to your home -- inside or out and including building, adding, demolishing, rewiring, redoing the plumbing, fixing the septic system or installing a wood burning stove -- you are well advised to make a phone call to the Building Inspector's Office your first priority.

The Building Inspector and his assistants are the enforcement authority for the Zoning Ordinance, Building Code, rules and regulations for fire prevention and a myriad of other regulations of the Town of Bedford. This department also reviews plans and conducts inspections through the numerous stages of a construction project. Permits are issued from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily.

Visit the Building Inspector's Office if you need
A Certificate of Compliance
A Certificate of Occupancy
A permit to install a wood burning stove
A permit for a new deck, tennis court, swimming pool, fence, shed
Permission to take down trees on your property

Legalizations and Building Without a Permit

PLEASE BE ADVISED: If caught building without a permit, the Town Board has adopted a legalization fee of $1000.00 plus the original permit fees. This fee is also in effect for any construction that was not filed for prior to the adoption of this fee. This includes finished basements, decks, pools, etc. An already built shed is $500 plus the original permit fees.

Cabaret License and Sign Ordinance
For commercial establishments, the Building Inspector's Office determines customer capacity for a cabaret license and administers the Sign Ordinance. The Town does not allow roof signs, kleig lights, flashing or intermittently illuminated signs, strings of incandescent lights, moving or rotating signs, signs on awnings or portables signs - with or without wheels.

Landlord Registry Local Law 6-2007
In accordance with Town of Bedford Local Law No. 6 – 2007, Landlord Registry, all owners of residential rental property in the Town of Bedford are required to register their property with the Building Department.

The Landlord Registry will enable the Town of Bedford to identify persons responsible for the care and management of these properties, which will assist in the protection of the health, safety and welfare of the residents of Bedford. Notification letters along with copies of Local Law No. 6 and the Landlord Registry Form are being mailed to every owner of residential rental property. The completed Landlord Registry Form must be returned to the Building Department within 60 days from the date of notification.

New York State Carbon Monoxide and Smoke Detector Requirements
On February 22, 2010, New York State will require every dwelling in the state to have a carbon monoxide detector. The law also requires that owners of one- and two-family residences must install and maintain a smoke detector that provides an audible alarm within each sleeping area. For specific requirements on other types of residences, including multi-family and apartments, please contact the Building Department at 914-666-8040 or [email protected]

Click here to view and download forms, permits and applications.

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