Planning Department
Director of Planning: Jeffrey Osterman
Secretary: Gail Amyot
Location: 425 Cherry Street, Bedford Hills, NY 10507
Telephone: (914) 666-4434
FAX: (914) 666-2026
E-mail: [email protected]
Planning has been a part of the Town of Bedford's history since its inception in 1680 when the 22 men from Stamford, after acquiring the "Hopp Ground" set out to plan for a meeting house, a grist mill on the Mianus River and a guying ground -- and agreed no house lot would be less than three acres but could be more.
Municipal planning is a deeply rooted American tradition and is of critical concern today in Bedford as the challenges of needed housing, prudent land use, and environmental protection are faced.
Bedford's planning policies are implemented at three levels:
The Town Board approves the laws establishing planning policy.
The Planning Board assists in the formulation of and carrying out of policy.
The Zoning Board of Appeals which has the authority to grant variances from the Zoning Ordinance.
To accomplish these goals, several tools are available to these municipal bodies:
The Town Development Plan, a comprehensive land use plan for the development of a community which is now undergoing an extensive revision. This document is a statement of planning policies and goals of the Town to guide future growth and development.
Click here to view the Comprehensive Plan.
The Zoning Ordinance, a document adopted by the Town Board defining the various districts within the Town and the regulations that govern all of the districts.
The Land Subdivision Regulations, a part of the Code of the Town of Bedford dealing with procedures and standards under which new lots are created.
Click here to view the Town Code
Stormwater Pollution Solutions:
The Town has prepared guidelines for homeowners and others to help reduce stormwater pollution in Bedford. Click here to view the solutions.
To read the Town's suggestion on reducing the impact of phosphorus discharge on the environment, click here.
For the Town's latest Stormwater Management Report, click here.
The Town's fence viewer has prepared a series of straight forward tips for building and rebuilding stone walls.
Click here to view this slide show.
Click here to view brochure.
Click on for ways to order Sermons in Stones, a history of stone walls.
Click here to view and download Forms and Applications.
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